When a person gets medical help for their withdrawal symptoms, they may be prescribed a variety of different medications, such as:
Alcohol is very common in the United States. It is legal, widely accepted, and poses a dangerous threat of abuse, addiction, and overdose. In some ways, it could be considered one of the most dangerous substances when abused because it changes the brain and the body permanently, can cause long-term health consequences and can kill a person if they withdraw without medical help.
Provides resources, meeting times and dates for AA groups across the country.
Support for family members of people who struggle with alcohol use. Find meeting times as well as location and more.
A collection of information, research, and resources about alcohol use and alcoholism.
Browse the top-rated rehab centers for drug and alcohol addiction by state.
We’ve listed the best drug rehabs in each state according to accreditations, online reviews and treatment programs offered.
LiveAnotherDay.org’s helpline is a private and convenient solution for individuals seeking treatment for addiction or mental illness.
Calls to our helpline (all non-facility specific 1-8XX numbers) will be answered by Recovery Advisors, American Addiction Centers, or one of our verified local treatment partners. Calls are routed based on geographic location.
Our helpline is offered at no cost to you and with no obligation to enter into treatment. In some cases, Live Another Day charges our verified partner a modest cost per call, which helps us cover the costs of building and maintaining our website. We do not receive any commission or fee that is dependent upon which treatment provider a visitor ultimately selects.
For more information on Live Another Day’s helpline, as well as our selection process, mission statement, and staff, visit our About page.
If our helpline is unable to assist you, we recommend browsing our state-by-state listings of the Best-Rated Rehab Centers, reading our resource guides, or visiting SAMHSA.gov.